Central Market
Thursday, May 22, 2008, 7:12 AM
Today, my Intro to Design class organized a study trip to KL central market. We went to the annexe gallery, a very isolated area at KL central market, for the Naive Art Exhibition. Naive art, as I was told, is art that is done in a very childish way.
Naïve art is characterized by a childlike simplicity. (See also outsider art, to which it bears many similarities.) It is a gross oversimplification to assume that Naïve art is created by people with little or no formal art training.
proceed to wiki to find out more about naive art ->
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Na%C3%AFve_artAlright, im a man with few words. I'll let the photos do the talking.

"Since 1888". But I was told that it has been there for more than that.

sorry for the shaky hands, i thought i had a good shot of this. Anyway, this is a realy nice scene of the inside of central market.

The back alley of the central market.

The annexe entrance.

Where it is located. Left-hand side lies the entrance and the lift is on the right.

LOL, that lift is HAUNTED. You have been warned! xD

So, this is the annexe gallery of central market. I strongly doubt if you'd been here before haha.

All the artworks hung on the wall are naive art. See the simplicity of the art? That's naive art haha.

The malay lady over there is the artist for that peace of artwork. She nicknamed herself Jaja if im not mistaken. In this picture, she is explaining to us about her artwork. It was interesting listening to explanations from a professional artist.
And that is all. Thanks for reading, have a nice day. ;D